What are the operating hours for Toddle Inn?
The centre operates between 7.30am and 6:00pm each weekday of the year except for public holidays and two weeks over the Christmas period.
Do I incur any charges if my child is sick on a day when he/she is enrolled to attend?
Yes. Toddle Inn charges full fees for children on sick days. However, if we are able to fill the position you will only be charged 50% of your daily fee. The reason for this is contained on the second page of out fees policies (included in this package). We do maintain a waiting list so early notification on the day is appreciated.
What if my child is sick and the condition is infectious?
The centre maintains sickness exclusion and immunisation policies, please make yourself familiar with the policies that apply.
What if my child has head lice?
Your child is allowed to attend provided they have undergone a recommended treatment, however they will be isolated from other children during this period.
Do I have to provide food for my child, or is this included in the costs?
Morning tea is provided for the children. All other meals are required to be provided by the families. Toddle Inn is particular when it comes to your child’s nutrition and this policy is included.
Can my child bring his/her own toys to the centre?
Toddle Inn enjoys show and tell, however, the choice of show and tell is the responsibility of the parents and anything brought to Toddle Inn must be clearly marked with the child’s name. Comfort toys, such as teddy bears are an exception to the rule and may be included as part of the child’s daily requirements.
What happens if I no longer require care for my child from Toddle Inn?
You can withdraw your child at anytime. Two weeks notice is required otherwise two weeks fees will be charged in lieu of that notice. Please note within this notice period it is not possible under family assistance Law for sessions to attract CCB, if your child does not attend the Centre in their last days. This means you will be charged the full fee of $75 per day.
(Source: Child Care Service Handbook 2014-2015, DEEWR p.185)
Am I required to re-enroll my child for consecutive years?
At the end of each year (November), your child needs to be re-enrolled and all payments of levies are required to be paid before the end of the year to ensure your child’s placement is secured.
Do I have to drop my child off at Toddle Inn at the same time each day?
Toddle Inn Educator numbers are based on your regular commencement times. If you wish to change that time, it is necessary to advise staff prior so the appropriate staffing numbers may be ensured.
What is the procedure for administering medication to my child whilst in care?
All medication must be given to the carer and the appropriate form signed. We will not administer medication not prescribed for the child by a doctor. Please do not leave in the child’s bag. All medication must be written up in the medication book, staff will assist with this if necessary. Children suffering from Asthma, allergies or food intolerances will be required to have an action plan in place. Staff will assist parents with this.
What happens on arrivals and departures?
Children must be escorted into the Centre by the adult person delivering them. They must not walk in by themselves. Parents are asked to deliver their children to a carer passing on relevant information. Please sign your child/ren in on arrival and departure, using the tablet in the foyer. Please take all food and drink from bags and put in named baskets on kitchen servery.
Collection of Children:
If you have arranged for someone other than yourself to collect your child then please remember to inform the Director or an educator, giving precise details. A child will not be released to anyone not listed on the enrolment form. They may be required to show identification and verify their signature.
What happens if our family circumstances change?
We would like to offer your child support, care and understanding during times of family change eg. Grandparents visiting, a new baby, separation, etc. A word to a carer or the Director would be appreciated to alert us to a change. Confidentiality will be observed at all times.
What is the centre procedure for sick children?
It is preferable for children to stay away from the Centre if:
- Your child has a temperature higher than 38deg.
- Rash
- Green nasal discharge
- Has suffered from loose motions or vomiting in the last 24 hours.
- Has any contagious diseases including chicken pox, conjunctivitis, cold sores etc.
If you are in doubt please contact the Director before arriving at the Centre, alternatively consult your Doctor. You may be required to provide a clearance certificate from your Doctor prior to re-attendance.
If during the day a child becomes ill, he or she will be isolated in the best way possible and parent/s contacted immediately with a view to collecting their child.
Does my child have a sleep or rest period during the day?
Yes, the Centre believes that all children need time during the day to sleep or rest. The ability to relax in this way is important for the children’s health and wellbeing. Children individual routines for sleep and rest are to be respected and catered for at all times. Staff will discuss child’s needs with parents individually.